Left brake cover.

Follow my wacky adventures as I try to keep my Quickie Q-200 in the air. I like hearing from you and getting alternate opinions, so please leave comments. Click on the pics to see 'em bigger.
The filling process for the pants is pretty much complete, but since I have a whole wing yet to finish and install, I have not yet decided if I am goiing to buy more of the pre-mix filler , or to go ahead and make my own using epoxy.
Another thing that I am going to try different. Did you happen to see Cory Bird's beautiful yellow Symmetry at Oshkosh last year? That was the most perfect aircraft I have ever seen. In an article in Sportsmanpilot.com:
" Next came what Cory calls a resin wipe. After going over the surfaces with 36 grit sandpaper he spread on a coat of pure resin, then immediately began squeegeeing it all off. With a little time for cure between applications, this process was repeated five times, leaving just a film of resin maybe two or three thousandths thick, filling every 36 grit scratch and all the pin holes. That was followed by wet sanding with 150 grit, then a coat of DP-48 epoxy primer and a guide coat of some color - just enough to see when it is sanded off".
I'm going to try that method. Maybe I can squegee it on in 12 hour intervals. That should be enough to get the cure process to start, but not so hard that I would have to sand between coats.