Doing some careful evaluation flying, I have determined that I am now getting 174 kts at 5,500 feet, wide open throttle.
I have been using a spread sheet originally developed to use GPS to determine pitot-static error and it's located at the
National Test Pilot's School web site. The idea is to fly in four different directions, at a constant IAS, and record your groundspeed. The spreadsheet removes the wind component and gives your true airspeed. It also computes the standard deviation (smaller is better).
From flight testing I did in the past, I can tell that my new wheelpants bought me 3 knots. Not a real lot, but three knots, nonetheless.
My next quest will be to install my new aluminum engine cowl inlet rings. These came from
Sam James aircraftt, in Florida. Mr. James claimed I would get 4-5 mph improvement, so here goes...