Well, my brother Rob is gone and I'm once again left to my own devices. It sometimes takes a lot of will to take up another damned piece of sand paper and keep at it. I have no doubt that it takes longer to make mods that it takes to build the first time.
A few days ago I smeared on West epoxy/micro, so I may as well work on that one. I first hit it with my Stanley Surform file to knock off the high spots. I thought I'd try something new, to help me see where I was, so I sprayed the lower cowl with the remnants of an old can of gray primer that I had laying around.
As I worked at it, the primer did a nice job of showing me where the remaining low spots were. I did the same thing with my upper wing using a pencil.
I'm not crazy about the large protrusions around the exhaust exits - but screw it. Maybe next year I'll totally revamp the exhaust and modify the cowl to suit.
Or maybe I'll take up golf.
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