The weight & balance is done, and I was glad to see that it came in at 696 pounds, even with all the stuff I added, including extra batteries, heavier paint job, and TWO paint jobs.
I thought I just needed to get the vinyl lettering applied and a few more little items, when go taxi. But, why should it be that easy?
I thought I'd celebrate having the canopy on by running the engine a little. I got it up to 2,400 RPM, then it started getting rough again. What's the deal with that?
Maybe that sensor bracket is still vibrating a little. I have a plan for that. Maybe the mixture still needs tweaking. I dunno.
We'll see tomorrow.
Anyway, here's some photos of the mostly complete engine installation.
Dear Sam
I note that you have magnicor lower leads. And this may be nothing, but... I was taught years ago that it was a bad idea to have plug leads close to each other to avoid cross firing. I checked on magnicor's q&a's
to see if their leads were immune to such problems.
Quote from Magnicor "The potential of spark energy being induced from the conductor inside any or all spark plug wires to the outside of the insulating jacket or boots (and sometimes into an adjacent wire) is the reason why it's so important to space all spark plug wires from one another and away from both metal surfaces and coolant hoses, particularly if your engine is race or modified engine that will generate high combustion chamber pressures, and/or will be using fuels that are difficult to fire, and also if a spark plug fails. It never ceases to amaze even the experts how readily the spark from an automobile ignition system can find an unusual path of least resistance — particularly when it wants to jump a 25mm or more free air gap in preference to firing a failed or excessively gapped spark plug inside the pressure of a combustion chamber! Here is an example of a spark plug that has failed due to excessive gaps."
May be it's that simple.
Hope this helps.
Clive C Q235 England (G-BXOY)
That's a good suggestion. I'll work on the wire spacing a little. One of the leads is excessively long and I'm compensating for that, also.
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