I was fooling around with the camera and photo editing program to see if I could make some ghost images of the engine compartment. This will help allow me to see where I might have extra room. I found that using Picase Web Albums, I could upload the photos and present slideshows. So here they are. If it seems to bog your computer down, let me know and I'll pull them off. Click of the photos for a larger view.
Looking at the right side of the cowling...
What is that black rubber looking stuff you used to clamp the intake tubes to the inlet plenum? I need to come up with something similar for mine. I was going to use scatt tubing. Thanks in advance...... Ivan in Sugar Land, Texas
Believe it or not, it is 1/4" wet suit material. I got it from James Aircraft, but you can get it on Ebay too.
Congrats on the trick with the transparency trick
I have do it, but yours is superior quality
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