If you are interested, I thought I would explain a few things about what is going on here. To see the photo better, click on it and hit Ctrl + a few times and the screen will enlarge.
First off, note the oil temp is 15 deg. That is due to the faulty sensor.
Altitude: 2,860' and a very slight climb. The density altitude is 4,940' with an OAT of 82F.
3,130 RPM WOT, with a fuel flow of 8.0 GPH.
IAS is 194 and TAS is 208 mph.
Look at the cylinder head temps:
#1 409
#2 395
#3 330
#4 366
Cylinder#3 is 79 degrees cooler than#1. Admittedly, #3 is right in the breeze and #1 is furthest back but I think there is something going on here.
One of the racers heard somewhere, from a Lycoming rep, that if your cylinder head temps were lower than 230 degrees, you were loosing speed due to excessive cooling. Kind of makes sense. Maybe I should look into some kind of a cowl flap arrangement to possibly pick up a few extra mph.
What do you think?
My friend owns a 182 and we put an STC io-520 in it. We did the baffling and all 6 cylinders run 350 to 375 in a climb during summer with a full load of jumpers. I'd say you need to do some baffle work. Not a plenum but aluminum and rubber baffles.
Could you provide some specifics?
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