I spent the better part of the morning digging out all the foam in the lower cowl mold. For some reason, the combination of drywall paste, car wax and mold release had a more tenacious grip, so the foam didn't go peacefully.
Finally, I decided to move my project back to my Tee hangar. It was really great to have use of the SIU Aviation Technology facilities, but it's time to move back home. They were kind enough to lend me a student worker for the afternoon, and we got it done in about three hours.
Once back, I took a couple of days to get the hangar properly organized. I learned a lot about organizing workplaces while I was at Dyno Nobel. Some of the main points I try to keep in mind:
- If you don't need it - get rid of it.
- Use visual clues like applying labels.
- Keep things you use often close at hand. Things you use only occasionally can be further away.
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