Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Good to Be Home

I did Oshkosh for the whole week. Saw lots of folks and did lots of stuff.

Paul Fisher and his boy, Roy came out and helped with pyro. Yes - those are real sticks of dynamite!

When we shot the wall of fire, Doc and I peered over our standard issue cardboard blast protection. Roy ducked a little.

The minor irritation of the week came from some Vari-Eze driver who showed up with the Plastic Explosive label on his plane. He must not know who he's messing with.

Now, back to sanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

Sorry for the "minor irritation". Actually, I've seen "Plastic Explosive" on two other Eze's (one Vari the other a Long) a Legacy and believe it or not, a Kolb ultralite. However, I will certainly credit you with the original.