Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today, June 22, 2009, is the 10th anniversary of my one-day trip across the U.S.A. in my Q-200. I guess it doesn't seem like ten years, then again, a lot has transpired since then (the best of which, was marrying Sandy).

Here is the link to the whole story Trip Across USA It's a pretty long read, so I suggest making yourself comfortable and pouring a cup of coffee first.

Here is the radar capture for June 22, 1999 - about mid-day. As you can see I had a bit of a time picking through Oklahoma.

It really is a shame that I can't celebrate properly and go fly today, but alas, I am still trying to hash out engine problems. (I think the engine now has more power than with the old system, I just can't get my back-up fuel injection to work yet). I guess I'll commemorate it by going to the hangar and giving the old girl a pat on the vertical fin.

This little plane has been one of the most rewarding, satisfying, challenging, expensive, hair pulling, bleeding, frustrating, and funnest things that I have ever been involved with.

Here's to my little Quickie!

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