Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Third Flight

Quick report.

Flew this evening for .6 hrs. That puts me well over an hour now. I just climbed and circled the airport.

Roll trim is still kattywhumpuss, but that's just hardware work. Also I'm not getting enough elevator down, again easily fixable and the two are related.

I started gently fooling around with the mixture mapping in flight. I am using Deem's lamda meter, which is really cool. I didn't go through the whole thing, just making some mixture adjustments when I happened to look at the meter.

I don't have anywhere near the speeds I'm used to, I think the best airspeed I saw was around 160 mph.

I did check out the airspeed/differential pressure. In level flight and throttle at 2,500RPM I was showing about 93 mph. If you look in the table, in the previous post, you will see that is only about 4 inches of water. Not enough, I think. I should probably be getting at least 5 1/2 inches, so that will be something for me to work on.

I'll report back when I know more.

P.S. I apologize to someone. They left a constructive comment and I accidentally hit the reject button and I can't take it back. Sorry. Please post it again and I'll try to not be so clumsy.

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